Founder of Hustlr. Oxford. Ex-Facebook, Amazon

Founder & Creator of Hustlr, a B2C professional networking app

Studied computer science at the University of Oxford

Ex-Facebook, Amazon engineer




Frameworks / Libraries:

React Native






Culturoo-Demo Culturoo-Login

Culturoo - WINNER of (TADHack London)

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Credentials for live demo- Username: tadhacker2, tadhacker3 Password: 123 (two users need to join the same chat room at the same time.)
  • Led a team of 5 to build a web video calling app (“Culturoo”) powered by natural language processing (NLTK) that promotes cultural learning via compelling suggestions for communication by utilizing sponsors’ APIs in real-time messaging and video calling
  • Incorporated Microsoft cognitive services to pull images from the internet using NLTK and output as appropriate. The platform supports foreign language conversations other than English. For every message received you get 10 chat suggestions of how to continue the conversation

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS,, Microsoft cognitive services, NLTK NLP, and Temasys real time communication apis, local weather api, ip address api, and wikipedia api

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cardGame-demo cardGame-win cardGame-lose

Solitaire Card Game

Source Code

  • Built this modified game "Thirteens" being inspired by the game "Tetris Solitaire" created by Randy Rasa
  • Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q correspond to the point values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Pairs of cards whose point values add up to 13 are selected and removed
  • Kings are selected and removed singly
  • Only two cards can be picked and removed at once
  • If no remaining moves are available, you lose

Technologies used: Java, BlueJ, JFrame, ActionListener

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Airbnb Clone Screenshot

Airbnb Clone

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Built from scratch for fun using Java and by parsing Airbnb’s datasets. The user is able to select a price range, click on an interactive map of London to show region-specific listings and statistics, then add or remove any listings from their ‘checkout basket’ and pay

Technologies used: Java, JUnit Framework

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myBuddy App Highlight

myBuddy app for NHS

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Built a fully cross-platform app for the Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust to significantly reduce the risk of clinicians in the Helping Families Team visiting families alone

Technologies used: JavaScript, React Native, ExpressJs, Firebase, Google Cloud

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Facebook Messenger Chatbot

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Hardwired this chatbot with the mission to provide information regarding First-Aid to prevent worsening or ill-handling of injuries
  • Implemented natural language processing so that the chatbot could give precise First-Aid treatment instructions
  • Hooked this chatbot onto a Heroku server. Published and got an average rating of 4.8 stars

Technologies used: Python, Natural language processing WIT.AI, Heroku,, Python Modules(Flask, Pymessenger, Request)

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Npm Package Symbol

Npm Package - Facebook AccountKit SDK

Source Code

  • Open-sourced my own Node.js module on the npm registry, published a client access token flow SDK for validation and authentication. In use by 100s of developers

Technologies used: Node.js, Mocha

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welcomePage coursePage

CitiCourse (HackCiti)

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Led a team of 4 to build an interactive story-telling platform that allows you to learn various programming languages by collaborating with a random student and earning points along the way
  • Pitched the project to a panel of 3 Citi’s technology analysts and got commended for persuasive and vigorous delivery

Technologies used: React, JavaScript

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Amazon Book Seller Amazon Book Seller

Amazon Book Seller

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Designed a responsive website to sell my books on Amazon
  • Engineered a search filter that constantly updates search results base on book titles
  • Encompassed the price, condition, book title and details for over unique 50 books

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap,

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Random Quote Generator

Random Quote Generator

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Utilized percent-encoding and jQuery to provide a tweet template with hashtags, quote, and author
  • Incorporated Twitter and Facebook ‘share quote’ buttons
  • Added unique animations and custom backgrounds based on the author of the quote

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap

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Amazon Alexa Hack

Amazon Alexa Hack

Source Code

  • Engineered an Amazon Alexa Skill in my spare time that searches for luxury hotel sales in the user’s desired location using python
  • Developed a ‘favourites’ functionality that saves the selected sales and sends to the user’s email. Utilized Secret Escapes API

Technologies used: Python, AWS, Amazon Echo Dot, Secret Escapes internal API

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Local Weather App

Local Weather App

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Implemented jQuery to acquire the user’s city, country, and details about the local weather, using the user’s geolocation API and IP address
  • Used JavaScript to convert between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit
  • Changed background/animations based on weather conditions

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Geolocation/Weather API

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Wikipedia Search App

Wikipedia Search

Live Demo

Source Code

  • Integrated with MediaWiki API to provide the user with Wikipedia’s huge content database
  • Utilized Ajax to acquire and display the title and snippet of 10 most relevant search results

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, MediaWiki API

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